MG Technik s.r.o
Consulting office
Welcome to our consulting service, a leading engineering consulting firm focusing on specialized equipment and supplies for the chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries. We have many years of experience and a team of professionals who are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality solutions. Our commitment to excellence and attention to detail ensures that our equipment is not only efficient and reliable, but also meets the strict safety and regulatory standards of the industries in which we operate. Whether you need a specific piece of equipment or are looking for a complete turnkey solution, we have the expertise and resources to get the job done. Thank you for choosing our consulting service as your partner in this industry.
- Heat exchangers, pressure vessels, vacuum furnaces
- DIN EN ISO 3834-2
- AD 2000 Merkblatt
- ASME - S, U, U2
- SELO - China
- ISO 9001
- Specialized equipment for the sector
- Accessories and spare parts
- Turnkey solutions
- Competences and resources
- Many years of experience and experts
- Perfection and attention to detail
- Powerful, reliable and safe devices
- Equipment and turnkey solutions